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Migrating Winshuttle Foundation 11.x installations

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The following processes will help you migrate a Foundation 11.x installation from one SharePoint 2013 environment (the source) to a different SharePoint 2013 environment (the destination).

Important: The instructions on this page only apply when migrating from a SharePoint 2013 environment to another SharePoint 2013 environment.


  • The version number for Winshuttle License Management System (LMS) and Winshuttle SAP Integration Server (SAPIS) must be the same.
  • The LMS Foundation License ID (Foundation Instance) must be the same before and after migration.
  • The service accounts used for installing Winshuttle products on the installation being migrated should be the same ones used in the destination environment to avoid any permission-related issues.

Pre-migration checklist

    Locating your Foundation License ID screenshot
  • Before beginning a migration, go to Licenses» Foundation Licenses, and then disconnect / disassociate User Governance and the SAP Integration Server in the source installation from LMS. This will free them up so they can be re-associated after the installation is migrated.
  • If there are any published solutions with data connections in the installation being migrated, you will need to re-deploy those solutions with updated data connections and connection strings after migration.
  • All Workflow processes and SV Service Jobs should be in a completed state, with the following exceptions: assignmentsummary, emailapproval, offlineformprocessor, createmhtfile, and any recurring jobs.

  • Note: Recurring Jobs (SvService, Winshuttle Transaction, or Winshuttle Query) scheduled to run during the migration period will not be run.

  • Disable all scheduled jobs.
  • Disable all background jobs.
  • Disable all SVService Window Scheduled tasks, and do not schedule any SVService Window Schedule tasks until after migration is completed.
  • Note:  SVService Window Schedule tasks scheduled in the site being migrated will not be migrated. These tasks will need to be exported from the initial installation and imported into the migrated installation as a final step.

  • Make a note of or copy any changes that have been made to the <authorization> section of the Web.Config file for the Winshuttle Workflow Administration site. These changes will not be migrated, so you will need to manually re-incorporate any changes to the Web.Config file for the newly migrated installation.
  • If the Web Application URLs in the destination environment will be different in the destination environment, you will need the User Governance Migration Utility.
  • Contact the Winshuttle Support Team to request the User Governance Migration Utility.

Note: If the LMS (License Management System) is also to be migrated, please see Migrating the License Management System for instructions.

Backup and prepare the source site

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Overview: During this phase of migration you will disconnect / disassociate the License Management System and SAP Integration Server, and back up important data to prepare for the migration.

  1. Disassociate LMS and SAPIS. Write down the Foundation instance ID associated with the LMS. It will be used later to complete migration.
  2. Backup the SharePoint Content Database(s) for all WebApps on which User Governance or Workflow is present.
  3. Tip: If you need to find the content database name: Open the SharePoint User Governance Administration page, and then click Manage Content Database.

  4. Backup the Winshuttle Workflow database. In the database machine, backup the Winshuttle workflow database and save it. (For example, you could save it as Workflow.bak).
  5. Note: There may be multiple Workflow databases depending upon the number of WebApps for which Workflow was installed

  6. Backup the User Governance database. On the database machine, backup the Winshuttle User Governance database, and then save it. (For example, you could save it as UserGovernance.bak).
  7. Create a folder for SVMigrate to use for backup files. On the SharePoint Workflow Front-End where Winshuttle Workflow tools are installed, create folder on the C:\ drive for backup file used by the SVMigrate tool. in c: drive (e.g. BackupData).
  8. Run the following command to create the workflow mapping Data:
    From the SVMigrate tool path (the default is <Your Workflow Install Location>/bin/svmigrate.exe), run one of the following commands: 

If you are using the same URL after migration

svmigrate -getSourceGuidAndUrl-f "c:\ BackupData\WFbak.svb"

If you are using a different URL after migration

svmigrate.exe -getSourceGuidAndUrl -f "c:\ BackupData\WFbak.svb" -m "c:\ BackupData\map.xml"

Migrate Winshuttle SAP Integration Server

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  1. Install Winshuttle SAP Integration Server on new machine
  2. Use the SAP Integration Server Admin Tool to migrate the Server database.

Migrating the Foundation 11.x installation

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  1. Change the appropriate DNS entry to point to the location to which Foundation is being migrated. Note: You only need to do this if you want to keep the same URLs.
  2. In the target environment, create the same number of WebApps that are in the Foundation site being migrated.
  3. Copy the database backup files (i.e. the Winshuttle Workflow database backup, the SharePoint content database backup, and the User Governance database backup) to the destination SQL machine.
  4. Restore the Workflow Database (that you backed up in previous steps) for all the WebApps into the destination SQL server.
  5. Install Winshuttle Workflow in the destination environment. Use the same database restored in the previous step (above). Also, extend the workflow using Workflow Central Admin site and use the restored database while extending Workflow for all the required WebApps.
  6. If your are using any Custom Plugins or Participant Resolvers, please copy the respective .DLL files from the GAC in the source environment to the destination environment. <CustomPlugin/CustomParticipantResolver>.dll file in GAC (Global Assembly Cache) from the source environment to the appropriate location in the destination environment.
  7. Tip: The GAC is a shared library where different applications reuse the code placed in the files located in a common folder. In .NET 4.0, the default GAC location is: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\assembly

  8. Install User Governance in the destination environment.
  9. Delete the User Governance Databases from the SQL server in the destination environment. (You will be restoring the backup databases from the source environment.)
  10. Restore the User Governance database that you backed up earlier to the SQL server in the destination environment.
  11. In the destination environment, open SharePoint Central Administration, and then click Manage Content Databases.
  12. Click the content database name, scroll down and check Remove content database, and then click OK.
  13. In the destination environment SQL server, restore the content database that you previously backed up (wss_content) for all Webapps for which User Governance or Winshuttle Workflow are present.
  14. Open the SharePoint management shell.
  15. Mount the restored database by running the following script in the destination environment:

  16. Mount-SPContentDatabase -Name "wss_content" -DatabaseServer "Vm1\sqlexpress"-WebApplication http://SP2010FE1:1000/
  17. Run the Workflow Migration Utility (SVMigrate) to update the GUID and the Winshuttle Workflow URL.
    1. Go to the destination environment and copy the ‘BackupData’ folder (created in step 5, above) where Workflow tools are installed.
    2. Run the following command to update the workflow database in Final Setup.

    If you are using the same URL after migration

    <Workflow Install Location>\bin>svmigrate –updateDestinationGuidAndUrl -f "c:\ BackupData\WFbak.svb"

    If you are using a different URL after migration, you must also run the following command

    <Workflow Install Location>\bin>svmigrate –updateDestinationGuidAndUrl -f "c:\ BackupData\WFbak.svb" -m "c:\ BackupData\map.xml"

    Note:The command above will update the WebApp GUID and URL for all the WebApps.

  18. Open the MAP.XML file in the path specified (for example, C:\BackupData\map.xml in the command above). Change the <NewSite> to your new Web app URL. If URLs are not changing, then copy the URL from the <OriginalSite> node to the <NewSite> node.



    <anyType xsi:type="SiteToSite">
    <NewSite />
    <anyType xsi:type="SiteToSite">
  19. Update the Web.config. Any custom changes made to the <authorization> section of Web.Config file for the Winshuttle Workflow Admin site will not be migrated. You will need to re-add the changes to the Web.Config file to access the Workflow User Governance Admin Site. Example: 

    <allow users="domain\wfadmin " />
    <deny users="*" />

  20. Run the User Governance Activation Wizard and provide the LMS and SAPIS server URLs. In addition, use the same User Governance License ID (the one initially dissociated in Step 1).
  21. If the Web Application URLs on the new Farm are different from their original URLs in the destination environment, run the User Governance Migration Utility on a machine with Microsoft Excel. To get this utility contact the Winshuttle Support Team.
  22. In the Foundation URL Migration screen, enter the following in their respective fields: New Sharepoint URL, Domain Name, Site Collection User Name, Site Collection Password, Old (User Governance) URL, and New (User Governance) URL. User Name and Password, (Domain, User Name and Password), Old User Governance Site URL and New User Governance Site URL. User Governance Migration Tool screenshot
    1. Click Migrate Tx to change the source installation User Governance URL to the destination User governance URL for Winshuttle Transaction Scripts and Winshuttle Transaction Data Files.
    2. Click Migrate Qs to change the source installation User Governance URL to the destination User governance URL for Winshuttle Query Scripts and Winshuttle Query Data Files.
    3. Click Migrate DB Settings to update the destination User Governance URL in the database. Note: This must be performed from a SharePoint server machine.