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Working with Offline Forms

Offline forms allow users to start a process by emailing a form to configured email server, rather than starting it in SharePoint.

Note: Before you can use the offline forms, you must set email account-related keys in the sharevis.config file. See the SVConfigurator Options page in the Winshuttle Workflow Administrator Guide for instructions.

  1. Create a new SharePoint document library called Offline Forms. This document library will contain offline versions of published forms.
  2. Publish forms to the SharePoint site.
  3. Distribute the offline forms as needed. Users will be able to complete offline forms using InfoPath. Offline forms must be saved as .XML (Extensible Markup Language).
  4. To start a form, the user attaches the form’s .XML file to an email, and then sends it to the email
    address configured in sharevis.config.


If you experience the following error while opening an Infopath file downloaded from an 'Offline Forms' document library: 

"This form cannot be opened because it requires the domain permission level and it currently has restricted permission." 

Do the following: 

  1. Open Form Options 
  2. Click Security and Trust 
  3. De-select Automatically check security level.
  4. Click OK