You are here: Reference Guides > Designer Form Controls (A-Z) > Supported InfoPath controls

Supported InfoPath controls

Microsoft InfoPath is a form layout and design tool and part of the Microsoft Office Suite. It is used to create the forms that will be associated with your Workflows, and should be installed on the machine where you design forms and workflows.

The following table lists the InfoPath controls, features, and functions and whether or not they are supported in Form Workflow.

InfoPath control/features/function support table

InfoPath Control

Winshuttle Support


Text Box Supported 
Rich Text Box Not supported 
Drop Down List Supported 
Combo Box Partial Direct user typing in is not supported.
List Box Supported 
Date Picker Supported 
Check Box Supported 
Option Buttons Supported 
Button Not supportedUse WS.button/ShareVis.Button control instead.
Section Supported 
Optional Section Partial Displays contained controls, but no user toggle to hide section.
Repeating Section Supported 
Repeating Table Supported 
Horizontal Repeating Table Supported 
Master/Detail Not supported 
Bulleted List Partial Displays value, but no user ability to add new rows.
Numbered List Partial Displays value, but no user ability to add new rows.
Plain List Partial Displays value, but no user ability to add new rows.
Multiple-Selection List Box Not supported 
File Attachment Not supportedUse ShareVis Attachment Control instead.
Picture Not supported 
Ink Picture Not supported 
Hyperlink Supported 
Expression Box Not supported 
Vertical Label Not supported 
Scrolling Region Supported 
Horizontal Region Supported 
Choice Group Not supported 
Repeating Choice Group Not supportedUser cannot repeat sections.
Choice Section Not supported 
Repeating Recursive Section Supported 

Data connections

Sharepoint ListSupportedFarm-to-farm communication is not supported.
SQL server Supported 
XML Supported 
Access Not supported 


adddays Supported 
add seconds Supported 
avg Supported 
concat Supported 
count Supported 
nz Supported 
max Supported 
min Supported 
now Supported 
today Supported 
string length Supported 
substring Supported 
substring-after Supported 
substring-before Supported 
sum Supported 
translate Supported 
string-length(normalize-space) Supported 
floor Not Supported 
number Not Supported 
boolean Not Supported 
ceiling Not Supported 
contains Not Supported 
true Not Supported 
false Not Supported 
last Not Supported 
local-name Not Supported 
name Not Supported 
namespace-uri Not Supported 
not Not Supported 
username Not Supported 
position Not Supported 
round Not Supported 
string Not Supported 
starts-with Not Supported 
normalize-space Not Supported 
Nested functions Not SupportedAny nested combination of supported functions is not supported.