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  • Winshuttle Foundation

Set Form Data plugin properties

The Set Form Data plugin allows you to set a value in a field in the form at a particular point in the process.

Note: If the Plugin Action Node property SYNC / Continue without Waiting is set to TRUE, the plugin will update form fields when a process ends with either "completed" or "approved" status.

On this page

Set Form Data plugin usage example

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When user chooses an option (such as rejecting a submitted file, for example), a field in the form is automatically filled in with data, such as an email address for another approver in the workflow.

How to configure the Set Form Data plugin

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  1. In Composer, click the Workflow tab, and then click Plug-in Action. Plugin Action button
  2. In the workflow, add (i.e. click and drag to 'draw') a Plugin Action node to the Workflow.
  3. Click the newly created node. In the Properties pane, below Action, locate the Plugin name field.
  4. Select the Set Form Data plugin.
    Set Form Data Plugin
  5. Click the Plugin Options button.Winshuttle Composer Options Button
  6. Set xpath and value fields with the form field and the value you require (respectively). In the example, the xpath is set to ApproverEmail, and the value is set to [$CurrentUser.Email].

    Set Form Data - Plugin Arguments Editor

  7. (Optional) Click Add to add more fields and field values.
  8. Notes: The xpath value list will be populated in the dropdown automatically with the fields available in the form.

    If you add the Date Picker control, use the default format (YYYY-MM-DD) or place a text box at the location of the Date type field.

  9. Click Validate. (You should see the message "Validation Complete. No Errors found.")

Set Form Data plugin tips and best practices

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  • The value field can be the result: of a workflow property (for example, ApproverEmail) or a more complex logic using function operators such as RejectionDate AND ApproverEmail.

Set Form Data plugin parameters table

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Value Pair


value [index]

The value to which to set the form field.

xpath [index]

The XPath to the form field.

Parameters example

  • value0 – [New Division]
  • Value1 – [New Name]
  • xpath0 – //my:Division
  • xpath1 – //my:Name

This example sets the field named my:Division to the value in the New Division SharePoint field, and the field named my:Name to the New Name SharePoint field.