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Adding fields (or groups) to a field pack

When adding a Field to a field pack, you will need to enter some or all of the following properties.

Note: If you are adding a Group to a field pack (as opposed to a Field) from this screen, only the Name and Type (Group) are required.

See below for additional information about each option.

  • Name (Required)
    The namefor the field or group. (If you are creating a group, this is all you need to enter.)
  • Type (Required)
    Select Field to add a field. If you are adding a group, select Group.
  • Data Type (Required)
    Select one of the following data types from the drop down:
    • Text (string)
    • Long Text
    • Whole Number (integer)
    • Decimal (double)
    • True/False
    • Hyperlink
    • Date
    • Date and Time
    • Email
  • Default Value: Refresh Default Value (Optional)
    Select this checkbox so that a field containing a formula or expression will be refreshed any time a field within the formula or expression is changed.
  • Validation Pattern (regular expression) (Optional)
    (Optional) Enter a regular expression to validate the field input before it is submitted. For example: ^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$ can be used to validate a Social Security number. This will restrict form submission if the regular expression (pattern) is not verified.
  • Data Range (Optional)
    This is used if the Form element is a Drop Down or Combo Box, and it enables you to define available options (which can be Static) from a Data Connection or Repeating Content.
  • Repeating (Optional)
    Check this box to designate a RepeatingField (currently only used with the Repeating Content folders). Repeating fields are used to store repeating content such as a Table or Repeating Group of Elements.
  • Required (Optional)
    Check this box to require a value for the field before the form will be allowed to be submitted.

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