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  • Winshuttle Foundation

Form Name

With the Form Name element you can change a form name from its default setting (Form Name – Today's Date/Time) to something more customizable.

The Form Name element can look up a Form Name Template (created in Composer) or it can create a text box in which a user can input a value, and that value will be returned as the new Form Name when it is submitted to the Forms Site.

Form name properties

Form Name element properties



Field Description

The field name that should receive the description of the form.

Field Name

The field name that should receive the generated name.

Field URL

The field name that should receive the URL to the form.

Force Title Update

If selected, executes the control to assign a form name even if a name already exists.

Form Definition Version

The field name that should receive the form version that is running.

Process Definition Name

The field name that should receive the process definition name that is running.

Process Definition Version

The field name that should receive the process definition version that is running.

Run at

When to assign the form name, i.e. when the form is started (Start) or after the form is submitted (End).


Comma-separated list of name template names and field names to combine into the name for the form. Click to select the template and source from drop-down menus.

See How to configure the Form Name Element with a name template for more information.